Debt recovery

Justicija, UAB debt collection services include both – debt prevention and mediation in recovery of receivable.

  • Debt prevention– intended to prevent debts from occurring through such measures as risk assessment of potential business partners, proper contract arrangements and their effective execution with the help of the collateral – penalties (fines or penalties), pledge, guaranty, warranty, and so on.
  • Debt collection– administration of already generated receivables to help reduce the risk of late payment and thus ensure the stability of your circulating assets and to maintain positive relationships with your business partners. Debt collection includes both – the pre-judicial debt recovery (sending prompts, signing a contract for debt payment in installments), and the debt recovery proceedings in court (judicial enforcement order for the court preparation and filing, sending enforcment order to a bailiff, claim preparation and filing, supervision of the execution in decision to recover the debt.)

We choose individual debt recovery techniques which are based on the following methods:

Search of a debtor, the debtor’s property determination, setting meetings with the debtor, submitting requirements in writing to fulfill the obligations, visitation of debtor by place of residence or place of employment, debt payments scheduling, signing of promissory notes to repay the debt, inclusion of debtor in the debtors register, information regarding the debtors insolvency distribution to interested parties (leasing companies, banks, workplaces).


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